WATCH: Trevor Noah NAILS It — Says What We’re ALL Thinking

Last night, the presidential candidates faced off in the final debate before the election on November 8. Comedy Central’s The Daily Show had a live episode that aired right after the debate.

One particularly scary moment in the debate was when Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump wouldn’t say whether or not he will accept the results of the election. He said he would address it at the time. He has been saying that everything is rigged against him.

Trevor Noah had a lot to say about that:

“Am I the only one who is super freaked out by this? Did Donald Trump just dismiss democracy like it was dressing on a salad? ‘You know what, I’ll look at it later ― put it on the side.’”

It is understandably scary that Trump would question the results of the election. This is just unheard of in politics. Some people may request a recount, but saying the entire system is “rigged” is insane. He is losing in the polls, so he has decided that he doesn’t believe in those.

Trevor Noah summed up Trump’s campaign with this:

“Trump’s basically running his campaign like an episode of ‘Scandal.’ Only with less black people, and less women in power and a more realistic understanding of politics. But other than that, exactly like ‘Scandal.’” 

Trump is running his campaign like a television show. He just likes to turn up the drama. He is highly unfit to serve as President of the United States. The world won’t take us seriously if that happened.

Featured image via YouTube screenshot.

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