The tidal wave of negative reactions is threatening to sweep away both the Republican presidential candidate and the Party itself. One after another, prominent conservatives have been speaking out against the failure of the Trump campaign.

Now RawStory reports that conservative writer Peter Wehner is talking publicly about how difficult it will be for the Republican Party to recover from this disastrous Trump year.

Appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, the writer was addressing a column he wrote for the National Review. That column was intended to provide a guideline for the Party on how to move forward after Nov. 8 has finally come and gone.  The article used a disease model to describe Trump, asking whether he is:

“pneumonia that requires amoxicillin and will soon pass — or a cancer that requires chemotherapy and may not pass for a great long while.”

Joe Scarborough, the show’s host, was once a close pal of Trump’s, but has since become one of his many enemies. He and Wehner discussed the changes in the Republican Party since the days of Ronald Reagan (R-Ca). Wehner absolutely let loose on his Party, expressing all of the pent up frustration and disgust that the increasingly tiny intelligent faction has been feeling. He said that Republicans face not only a political crisis, but a moral one as well.

I think that every liberal in American would agree.

The biggest concern for the conservative writer is what will happen to the party after the election. He is confident that the Party’s candidate will lose, but worries that even without Trump, there will still be a sickness called “Trumpism.” He compares it to a “fever.”

Wehner switched his frustration to the lovely Sarah Palin. He said:

This is the party of anti-reason.You remember this, Joe, back when Ronald Reagan won in 1981, Pat Moynahan said I’m sad the Republican Party has become the party of ideas. It’s now the party of anti-reason. It started with Sarah Palin in 2008 and it’s continued. Unless he gets that straightened out, it’s not going to win national elections and it shouldn’t win national elections. The question is post-Trump, post-election, which Republican Party is going to prevail.”

Wehner didn’t stop there. It was enough for him to compare the Trump/Palin wing of the party to cancer. It was enough to call it the “anti-reason” group. He went on with this:

“This may be a fever. We go back to medical analogies, that has to pass, but Republican Primary voters are determined to election people who are monstrous figures, who have in the case of Donald Trump, I think, clinically disordered personalities, there’s a limited amount of things you can do.”

So there you have it. Another well known conservative thinker has expressed he really feels about Donald J. Trump. The man is a monstrous, cancerous disease with a clinical personality disorder.

Other than that, though, the Republican Party looks to be in great shape.

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