In a sane world, the Access Hollywood tape should have all but assured a massive landslide for Hillary Clinton. So how is Donald Trump still in serious contention? It’s simple–a large chunk of the religious right has rallied behind him. They’ve managed to convince a large number of their followers that treating women with respect doesn’t matter as much as stopping abortion and marriage equality.
Much of the reality-based world–including longtime religious right watchers, like yours truly–has wondered how these people can pull off such a contortion. Well, one of Trump’s early religious right backers offered us one take. He apparently thinks that God himself picked the Donald to encourage the church to fight the devil and gain a foothold in the culture.
When much of the religious right kept Trump at arm’s length, one element that embraced him early on was the New Apostolic Reformation, an overtly fascist offshoot of the religious right that believes Jesus can’t return unless Christians take over the world and violently stamp out anything and anyone standing in their way. One of this movement’s leading thinkers, Lance Wallnau, got on the Trump train last year.
Wallnau is the main proponent of the “Seven Mountains” strategy. It calls for Christians to take over the seven “mountains,” or forces, that influence our society–business, education, family, religion, media, entertainment, and especially government–so they can hand the world to Jesus on a platter when he returns. Watch Wallnau explain it here.
And here:
Wallnau has told his followers that Trump “totally gets Seven Mountains,” and thus can push back against “an increasingly anti-Christian culture” even though he isn’t one of them. He doubled down on this message on Monday, when he spoke with fellow religious right pundit Rick Wiles on Wiles’ TruNews podcast. People for the American Way’s Right Wing Watch got a clip.
Wallnau explained that he got serious about backing Trump shortly after he joined a number of prominent evangelical leaders at a meeting with Trump at Trump Tower. He was invited by the publicity agent for Paula White, one of the large crowd of word of faith/prosperity gospel preachers that have propped up the Donald for the better part of a year.
While Wallnau was there, he felt God tell him that Trump was “a wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness.” Trump’s very presence, Wallnau added, was intended to “shift the narrative” and serve as “a disruptive element, a chaos element” intended to derail the devil’s plans. By the time Wallnau left the meeting, he was all in for Trump. Since then, he managed to persuade a crowd made up mostly of Ben Carson supporters that Trump has a “mantle” for governing, and told Christian publisher Stephen Strang that God chose Trump to “deliver us from Hillary.”
When Wiles asked if some evangelicals weren’t on board with “what God was doing,” Wallnau thought they were. It was at that point that Wallnau really went off the deep end. While the other Republican primary candidates were more qualified on paper, Wallnau thought that God was using Trump to deliver a message to the church–“they have not exercised serious influence over culture.” As a result, the devil has been “trying to take America down.” However, he argued that God was opening the door for “an awakening”–a chance to be in a position to be “taking territory” and fighting against those who want to turn this country “from a sheep nation into a goat nation.”
Wallnau was speaking in code–one that is all too familiar to me. As many of you know, I was tricked into joining a hypercharismatic campus ministry that was part of one of the more notorious NAR outfits, Every Nation. So I can easily decipher what Wallnau was telling Wiles and his audience. Notice how Wallnau was saying that there is a serious battle underway against those who want to turn this country into “a goat nation.” He was referring to the story of the sheep and the goats–explaining how God will separate the blessed (the sheep) from the cursed (the goats). The blessed will go to heaven, while the cursed will be tossed into hell.
Apparently Wallnau would have you believe that the Democrats are out to turn this country into a goat nation by pulling it further away from God. What Wallnau doesn’t know–or more likely, doesn’t want you to know–is that this story actually refers to how much of a premium God puts on acts of kindness toward those less fortunate than us. By that token, Trump falls way short. We are, after all, talking about a guy who finds it acceptable to mock the disabled and uses his foundation to feather his own bed, among other things.
Of all the statements I’ve heard a pro-Trump religous right leader make since the “grab them” tapes came out, Wallnau’s spiel proves that the religious right has made social issues a golden calf. That’s about the only way you can explain how they can be serious about backing Trump at this point.
(featured image courtesy Wallnau’s Facebook)