Jon Stewart may have given up his post as host of The Daily Show last year, but his comedic chops have stayed sharp in his absence. Speaking at the tenth annual “Stand Up For Heroes” event, Stewart delivered a scathing takedown of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

With the insanity of this election, you have to wonder if Stewart misses his job just a bit.

Targeting Trump, Stewart tackled a variety of topics. On Trump’s claims of a “rigged” election, according to CNN, Stewart said:

“Dude, you live in a tower with your name on it in gold. How well would you be doing if the man wasn’t keeping you down?”

About the comparisons between Trump and his rival, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and their scandalous behavior, he said:

“I thought when a guy got off a bus and says, ‘I’m going to grab her on the [expletive deleted],’ then okay, we’re done. The election is over. Usually that is a signifier that we don’t have to pay attention anymore… Then the FBI jumps in, and all of a sudden there’s a whole new thing… and then it goes back to Anthony Weiner? This is insane… as a writer, honestly, the first woman president and she’s taken down by Bush and Weiner, like, that’s just bad writing.”

Finally, Stewart recalled a Twitter war he got into with Donald Trump back in 2013. Trump attacked the Daily Show host for changing his name from Leibowitz to Stewart for television.

This led to a dramatic back and forth. Stewart eventually tweeted that Trump’s actual name was “F*ckface Von Clownstick,” and Trump retaliated with:

“Little John Stewart is a pussy, and would be hopeless in a debate with me.”

For all the comedy to be had from Donald Trump’s presidential run, there is still room for concern. Polls are dramatically tight for the looming election, and Stewart had some strong advice for everyone in attendance and everyone voting this November:

“Vote wisely this November.”

Wise words, Mr. Stewart. Maybe he can run in the next election.

Check out Stewart’s recollection of his Twitter feud with Mr. Von Clownstick below:

And the original segment on Trump here:


Featured Image By Mass Comm. Specialist 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley/U.S. Navy Via Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain