DEPLORABLE: Trump Sign Deliberately Booby Trapped With Box Cutters (VIDEO)

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump incites violence.

He is a hateful, dangerous, angry man. Many of those who follow him are just as hateful, dangerous and angry.

KTVT of Dallas/Fort Worth reported yesterday that a Trump/Pence sign was placed at a polling station in Texas. It was zip tied to a regulation polling station sign.

Whoever tied the Trump/Pence sign up knew that someone would have to move it.

That person was correct.

An innocent volunteer worker grabbed the sign to move it and that’s when it became clear that whoever placed it there had motives far more sinister than support of a presidential candidate.

The worker who grabbed the sign had his hands sliced open by box cutter blades. The blades drew blood from the shocked volunteer.

Steve Spainhauer is the County Democratic campaign chairman. When asked about the incident, he used the word that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has made famous. He called the action, and the suspect, “deplorable.”  He said:

“It just shows how far we have come in politics where people want to be so mean and so hateful to try and injure somebody who’s probably not got any political party persuasion one way or the other. I think most people have already made their minds up at this point how they’re going to vote and so there’s nothing to gain by being mean spirited or hateful.”

This is how far Donald Trump has pushed us in this election. This is the result of a candidate who tells his supporters to “knock the crap out of him.” It is the result of a candidate who tells his people to go and watch the polls, because the whole thing is “rigged.”

Donald Trump is deplorable. So are a lot of his minions.

Featured image via YouTube screengrab.

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"