Jason Chaffetz: ‘In The Context Of Hillary,’ Trump’s Sexual Assault Isn’t Too Bad (VIDEO)

It’s so much fun watching Republicans who have repeatedly said they are offended and bothered by things Donald Trump has said and done as they now try to pivot and pretend he’s not that bad of a guy.

Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz appeared on CNN Thursday and was reminded of what he had said in October when the Access Hollywood tape surfaced of Trump bragging that he enjoyed sexually assaulting women. At the time, Chaffetz had declared:

“I’m out. I can no longer in good conscience endorse this person for president. It is some of the most abhorrent and offensive comments that you can possibly imagine.

“My wife, Julie and I, we have a 15-year-old daughter. Do you think I can look her in the eye and tell her that I endorsed Donald Trump for president when he acts like this and his apology? So I’m not going to put my good name and reputation and my family behind Donald Trump when he acts like this, I just can’t do it.”

Host Wolf Blitzer asked Chaffetz if he isn’t a monumental hypocrite when Chaffetz told him:

“Last week, my wife and I both voted for Donald Trump to be the next president of the United States. I think Hillary Clinton is that bad. She is so bad and so wrong for the United States of America.”

Yeah, but Hillary Clinton would never grab your daughter “by the pussy,” Congressman. Would you leave your daughter or wife alone in a room with the dillhole you cast your ballot for? Blitzer told Chaffetz:

“After that initial Access Hollywood video came out, more than a dozen women have publicly come out and accused Donald Trump of doing exactly the kind of behavior that he described in the videotape. What has changed between then and now when you said you couldn’t look your wife and your daughter in the eye and support Donald Trump?”

Rather than actually reply to the query, Chaffetz tried to rationalize his vote by saying:

“You have to put it in the context of Hillary Clinton. It’s the true definition of a dilemma.”

And you, Congressman Chaffetz, are the true definition of a coward. So good luck with that.

Featured Image Via YouTube Screeengrab