Yesterday we reported that the racist, anti-Semitic, misogynist extremist Ted Nugent would be joining Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump at a rally in Michigan last night. Because of COURSE that’s who Trump would trot out in the final days. But wow, things got nasty.

Nugent: ‘I Got Yer Blue State Right Here, Baby’

Just days after Trump pretended to care that rapper Jay-Z, who swears sometimes, was appearing at a rally for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Trump brought the nasty Nugent on stage with him at a Michigan rally.

While on stage, Nugent grabbed his crotch (at least it was his own), and said:

“I got yer blue state right here, baby! Black and blue!”

Wait a sec. Black and blue? What does that even mean?

Twitter, of course, wasted no time jumping on that one. And there were some prominent voices commenting on it.

Can the Trump campaign sink any lower?

Lest we forget, Ted Nugent is a man who:

  • Has called for the assassination of both President Obama and Hillary Clinton
  • Regularly posts anti-Semitic hate memes on his Facebook page
  • Wrote a song about having sex with a 13-year-old girl
  • Is an outspoken racist
  • Used Nazi terminology to describe President Obama
  • Once called Hillary Clinton a “toxic c**t”
  • Said “real” Americans are “working hard, playing hard, white motherfucking shit kickers”
  • Called rappers on MTV “big uneducated greasy black mongrels”

And that’s only the tip of the disgusting iceberg that is Ted Nugent.

Oh, and the Trumps LOVE this guy.

nugent at rally for trump
Via Ted Nugent Facebook page

Watch his vile display on stage at the Trump rally here:

Featured Image via screenshot from YouTube video