Another day, another attack. Liberal America, activist Shaun King, and many other outlets have documented the wave of hate crimes sweeping the nation. From the looks of things, we’re going to be documenting them for quite some time.
‘Trump Nation. Whites Only’
Those words appeared on the back of a sign and on a outside brick wall at Episcopal Church of Our Savior in Silver Springs, Maryland. The sign on which the words were crudely scrawled was advertising the church’s Spanish-language service. The church reports a membership of 80 percent immigrants.
The sign was also slashed in several places.
Church member Margaret Gordon told ABC News:
“I guess none of us realized where we were living.”
The church Rector, Robert Harvey, reports that his church’s members are “afraid” and that this isn’t the first racist incident he’s seen this week.
“Harvey says that on Thursday, he confronted two white men who were harassing and yelling racial slurs at a Latina woman at a Value Village across the street from the church.”
Indeed, reports of similar crimes (and worse) are pouring in from all over the country.
When Will It End?
So far, President-elect Donald Trump has yet to comment on the attacks being carried out in his name. His campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, addressed only those protesting Trump’s win, not the attackers, saying:
“It’s time really for President Obama and Secretary Clinton to say to these protesters, ‘This man is our president.'”
I disagree, Ms. Conway. It’s time for Trump to say to the hate mongers invoking his name as they harass and attack vulnerable people and groups throughout the nation that this. Is. Not. OK.
And yet, he is silent.

President-elect Trump, this is on you.
Featured Image by Robert Harvey, Episcopal Church of Our Savior