Trump’s ‘Thank You’ Rallies Awfully Similar To Hitler’s Victory Tours (VIDEO)

Yes, we have elected Donald Trump to be our next president. Our orange President-elect has decided that he wants to do more campaign rallies, so he is having his own ‘victory tour.’ He is visiting the states that he won before the inauguration.

It’s not going well for Trump so far. He kicked off the tour in Cincinnati with a half-empty coliseum. Some people revived the old anti-Clinton chant of “lock her up.” Trump has gone back on his promise to prosecute her since he won. He is focusing on the swing states he “flipped.”

If this “victory tour” concept seems familiar to you, it might be because Adolph Hitler did the same thing when he won. He had a non-campaign victory rally in Germany in the 1930s. These were known as the Nuremberg Rallies, and they became a yearly event while the Nazis were in power.

The rallies kept getting bigger every year. The one in 1939 was cancelled at the last moment because the Nazis had invaded Poland the day before.

Trump is calling his version of the Nuremberg Rallies the “Thank You” tour because his campaign is against the term “victory tour,” and his followers have latched on to it.

Presidents-elect in the U.S. don’t usually do after-election campaigning or rallying. Usually, they use the time in between their election and inauguration to actually prepare to do the job as president. They might do a few press conferences, but they usually don’t have big ego-stroking rallies.

Also, the fact that Trump is doing this is a bit awkward considering he lost the popular vote by over 2.5 million.

Trump condemned (or at least pretended to) the alt-right and other bigoted groups when he said:

“We condemn bigotry and prejudice in all its forms. We denounce all of the hatred and forcefully reject the language of exclusion.”

Still don’t see the similarities? You will when you check out this video:

Featured image via YouTube screenshot.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog