It should come as no surprise that a lot of Donald Trump supporters now realize they’ve been conned. However, so many of them have had the scales fall off their eyes that a Website has sprung up to show how many people have had rude awakenings.

In late November, a Tumblr called “Trumpgrets” popped up, showing screenshots of Twitter users who voted for Trump and are now realizing they may have made a yuuuge mistake. Some of those voters are alarmed at Trump’s more extreme pronouncements.

Others think Trump hasn’t been extreme enough for them.

Others, like former Congressman Joe Walsh, realize that Trump has no intention of draining the swamp.

Others fear for the loss of their jobs and their medical insurance.

And others just want Trump to put his phone down.

The more I think about it, it’s not all that surprising that Trump voters have realized that they’ve been taken for a ride. The surprising part is that it came this soon. After all, most presidents at least get something of a honeymoon–even when they don’t have a real mandate. However, Trump hasn’t even been sworn in yet, and the buyer’s remorse has come in so fast and so hard that there’s already a Website for it. At this rate, this Tumblr may end up crashing more than a few times.

The Website isn’t the only place where you can see Trump voters bang their heads against their desks in frustration. In the last 48 hours, the hashtags “#trumpgrets” and “#trumpvoterregrets” have exploded on Twitter.

Staggering. Simply staggering. And it cannot be stated enough–he hasn’t even been sworn in yet. I initially predicted that Trump would either be forced to resign or would be impeached and removed from office by early 2018. But at this rate, I have to wonder if he’ll last through 2017.

Looking at this, I have to think that the House Republicans are going to live to regret this picture they tweeted out with Vice President-elect Mike Pence late last month.

If what we’re seeing on the Trumpgrets Website is any indication, Trump and Pence are going to be like paperweights around every Republican running for reelection in 2018. After all, things like this are the stuff that waves are made of.

(featured image courtesy Trump’s Facebook)