Time Magazine has gone to the dark side, people. They have named President-elect Donald Trump their “Person of the Year” for 2016. No, you are not in The Twilight Zone.
They really did it.
TIME commissioned Nadav Kander to take the photos for the cover. He also photographed President Barack Obama for “Person of the Year” in 2012.
As bad as Trump is, he has influenced the news a lot this year. He doesn’t need any more attention.
However, this title is not always an honor. Adolf Hitler was named “Person of the Year” in 1938.
Trump has been compared to Hitler many times. Most recently, his “Thank You” tour of victory rallies is just like Hitler’s “Victory Tour” in the 1930s. Hitler even talked about wanting to “Make Germany Great Again.”
In 1998, the then-Managing Editor, Walter Isaacson, said this about how they pick the “Person of the Year.” It goes to:
“… The person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill, and embodied what was important about the year, for better or for worse.”
This year is the 90th time that the magazine is choosing their “Person of the Year.” The scale of his “disruption” is pretty massive. He has never held any kind of public office before. Somehow, his followers believe that he is going to save the country.
Trump loves to talk about the alienated voters who flocked to his rallies. He drew them in with promises of bringing their jobs back and fixing the economy and fixing health care. Now, he is walking back on many of those promises.
The Trump campaign was different in that he wasn’t talking about overtly optimistic policies. He used our country’s divisions against us. He talked about the “American Dream” being dead. He talked about our country being in some kind of made-up “crisis.”
He thinks he is the only one who can fix it, and his supporters just ate it up.
Featured image via Twitter.