General Barry McCaffrey (ret.), former National Security Advisor under President Bill Clinton and commander of the first Gulf War, enthusiastically supported Lt. General Michael Flynn (ret.) for the National Security Advisor post. At first, that is.

Flynn’s Tweets Are ‘Demented’

General McCaffrey told NBC News that he felt that Lt. Gen. Flynn was:

“…The best intelligence officer of his generation.”

McCaffrey stands by that statement; however, he can no longer, in good conscience, support Flynn for the top intelligence post in the country.

His reason?

Flynn’s tweets about conspiracy theories, which he calls “demented”:

“…I must admit that now I am extremely uneasy about some of these tweets, which don’t sound so much as if they’re political skullduggery, but instead border on being demented.”

He continued:

“So I think we need to look into this and sort out what’s going on here. I think we need to aggressively examine what was going on with Gen. Flynn and his son dealing with these transparent, nearly demented tweets that were going out. I think it needs closer scrutiny.”

So, About Those Tweets

Among the “demented” things Flynn has tweeted, according to Media Matters, is this now-deleted tweet from early November, linked to a TruePundit article:

“U decide – NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes w Children, etc…MUST READ!”

TruePundit is a website filled with dubious stories, including, of course, pushing “#pizzagate” as truth. Lt. Gen. Flynn’s son, Michael Flynn Jr., is one of the leading proponents of #pizzagate.

Oh, and did I mention that Flynn Jr. is one of his father’s top aides?

A man who retweets white supremacists and pushes conspiracy theories should not be National Security Advisor.

Or president, for that matter.

Featured Image via screenshot from NBC News video