On Friday morning, Jeff Bergman held a “read-in” protest at Trump Tower in New York City. He stood in the lobby and read aloud from books about social justice and other topics.
He works nearby, and has been spending his lunch hour reading aloud at Trump Tower.
Naturally, he has been reamed about it on Twitter.
One poster said:
He must not have watched the video where the protester said he works nearby. Some people just love to add mean comments to things they haven’t read about.
As Twitchy.com reported:
“In his little mind this is very productive. And think about it, he gave us something to make fun of and laugh at.”
This site also called him a “snowflake,” which is a common anti-Millennial slur.
Educating people is a great way to protest Trump’s stupidity. Sadly, the protest isn’t catching on with more people. Yes, there may be more productive things he could be doing, but he is passionate about this. I guess he gets an “A for effort.”
It is a lot more original than standing outside with mean signs. Maybe someone will learn something from the material he is presenting. Hopefully, more people will join him and protest The Donald.
Since the President-elect Donald Trump won the election, there have been many protests conducted at or near Trump Tower.
One group of women got together and formed a human chain outside of the tower in the days after the election. A group of about 60 women stood outside of Trump Tower with signs about Trump’s misogynist tendencies.
People were protesting there even before Trump won the election. In April, a group of Mexican workers put a Mexican flag outside of Trump Tower in Vancouver. They were protesting Trump’s many racist comments about Mexicans and his nasty rhetoric surrounding immigration.
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