Ohio has passed one of the most ridiculously extreme abortion laws in the country. It bans abortion after a heartbeat can be detected, which normally happens four to six weeks after conception. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the ban did not include exceptions for rape or incest.
The bill is on Governor John Kasich’s desk waiting to be signed.
The activist fighting for this bill for five years after writing it in 2011, Janet Folger Porter, is quite happy about the bill. She has been fighting to get this passed ever since she wrote it in 2011.
She actually brought in fetuses to testify when she peddled the bill the first time.
This lady was considered too extreme for right-wing Christian radio shows. Porter’s program, Faith2Action, was cancelled by its host because she was preaching “dominion theology.” This is the belief that American should be a Christian nation and run by Biblical law.
She said this about the accusations in an essay for World Net Daily, a conservative news site:
“Then there’s the accusation that some who were there believe in ‘dominion theology,’ which, I’m told, wants a theocracy to rule the world. Not what I believe; not even close. We who attended May Day just want to obey God in every area of influence and use our freedom to spread the Gospel. If you do an Internet search on D. James Kennedy, Jerry Falwell, or Charles Stanley with Dominionism, you’ll see the same type of accusations were repeatedly made against them, too.”
She believes that natural disasters are caused by changes in social norms. She thinks Christians are targets of the “gay agenda.”
She once argued that a bill protecting people in the LGBT community from hate crimes would create:
“Gay Gestapo with unlimited funds and send grandma to jail.”
This extremist has no business writing any kind of legislation. She is entitled to her faith, but these beliefs are bordering on dangerous.
Featured image via YouTube screenshot.