WATCH: John Cena Handily Plays Up Trump’s YUUGE Insecurities – HILARIOUS!

John Cena hosted Saturday Night Live last night, and he gave us an interesting look into the world from the eyes of President-elect Donald Trump in a point-of-veiw skit.

We start the SNL skit with Trump waking up in the morning and turning the TV on. Trump only hears words such as “bigly,” “awesome,” “winning,” “success.” He hears these when he starts his day off watching Fox & Friends on Fox News.

Also, most of the characters Cena sees as Trump do not speak in complete sentences during the sketch.

He picks up a newspaper, and the masthead actually says, “The Failing New York Times,” in reference to the nickname Trump has given the Times all year. He looks in the mirror, and his hands look huge. Kate McKinnon as his campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, tells Trump, “Mommy will fix everything.”

This is what Cena’s as Trump on SNL sees in the mirror:

We see Trump talking to his wife, Melania, his Vice President pick, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, and many others. At the end of the sketch, Trump goes to sleep with images of his favorite person, himself. He dreams of having a beautiful dance number with himself.

It loosely refers to the comment former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made during one of the presidential debates; she said that Donald Trump lives in his own reality.

Saturday Night Live has done several sketches of President-elect Donald Trump during this election cycle. Trump, of course, took to Twitter to whine about it.

President Obama weighed in and told Trump:

“And so, I’d advise Mr Trump to stop whining and go try and make his case to get votes.”

If Donald Trump is going to be president, he’s going to have to get used to being made fun of on TV. That is what the late-night talk show hosts do; they make fun of politicians, and especailly the president.

It’s called free speech for a reason.

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