Carly Fiorina–Desperate For A Job–Compares Trump To Shaquille O’Neal…WTF?! (VIDEO)

Back when they were both eagerly seeking the GOP nomination for the White House, Carly Fiorina had this to say about President-elect Tiny Hands:

“Donald Trump does not represent me or my party. I understand the responsibility of Republicans to support their nominee. Our nominee has weighty responsibilities as well. Donald Trump has manifestly failed in these responsibilities.”

But today the failed CEO of Hewlett-Packard walked into Trump Tower with her tail between her legs, desperate for Trump to give her a job in his administration since no one else will hire her due to the way she nearly ran H-P into the ground. There has been talk that Fiorina may be under consideration as Director of National Intelligence, and when she emerged from meeting with His Trumpness, Fiorina gleefully exclaimed:

“It was an honor to meet with the president-elect.”

Did he insist that you bow the entire time and kiss his ass, Carly, or did you just do that because you’re so freaking hungry for a paying gig?

Fiorina also commented on the sports memorabilia she had seen in Trump’s office, remarking:

“I was particularly taken by Shaq O’Neal’s shoe. I guess it takes a champion to know a champion.”

Someone please get me a barf bag! I’m gonna be sick!

As if that wasn’t enough slavish sycophancy, Fiorina added:

“The high quality of people that he’s named already says so much about his executive abilities, but it also says that people recognize the opportunity that our new president-elect has to really make a huge impact on people’s lives in this country. So, it was an honor for me to be there.”

Bow, scrape. Bow, scrape. Be sure and pucker up really good for that last bit of ass kissing, Carly.

Could any of these former Trump rivals be any more fake or transparent when it comes to what they’re trying to accomplish? It’s like watching children attempt to curry favor with a teacher. Except Trump isn’t intelligent enough to teach anything but how to con people.

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