Trump Decided To Attack ‘Vanity Fair,’ And It Backfired BIGLY

This week, Vanity Fair magazine published a review of Trump Grill, a restaurant in Trump Tower. They were, to put mildly, not impressed with the fare offered at Trump Grill, and the review even carried the title:

“Trump Grill Could Be the Worst Restaurant in America.”.

Vain, insecure man-child that he is and always will be, Trump decided to fire back via Twitter:

In what can best be called a superb dose of karma, Vanity Fair reports that their subscriptions have surged in the two days since President-elect thin-skin attacked them, rising 100-fold above a usual day. Meanwhile, Trump Grill is still a terrible restaurant.

You would think Trump would come to the realization that when he aims his tweets at someone or something, it tends to have the opposite effect. He intended to damage Vanity Fair, but he only put more money in their coffers.

So I’m secretly hoping that the human Cheeto with baby hands will attack me someday soon, because I could sure as hell use some extra money for my daughter’s college fund. She has dreams of attending Harvard, so I’ve been saving since she was born. But a few good broadside attacks from the Moron-in-Chief and I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to pay for her to attend medical school, too.

Donald, though I know you will never heed this advice, I offer it anyway in the hope of sparing others from your childish bullshit attacks. Keep in mind this quote from Mark Twain before you pick up your phone and tap out some stupid message that will backfire:

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”

Of course, since you quite clearly are a fool, it’s safe to say you’re screwed either way.

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