A couple of months ago when it appeared Donald Trump was on the verge of losing the 2016 election, the candidate and his supporters often talked about how the race might be “rigged” to assure Hillary Clinton won. But now that both the CIA and FBI are reporting the Russians interfered to assure Trump was victorious, Republicans are singing a very different tune.
Earlier today on CNN, former Georgia Congressman and full-time Trump shill Jack Kingston asserted that the Russian hacking of computer networks was probably not that helpful to Trump, telling Chris Cuomo:
“There was no evidence that it disrupted or effected the election results, and there is this kind of perception that, oh, they broke into the voting machines in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania or anywhere else, and they swayed the outcome — and that’s not true.”
Using that same twisted logic, we could also say there’s no evidence the hacking didn’t disrupt the election results.
Kingston then added:
“We also know about hacking that you make it look like somebody else did it. It’s highly unlikely that only Russia was doing it. There’s probably hacking going on all over the place from other counties, as well, and lone wolf actors.”
The CNN host then reminded Kingston that the Office of National Intelligence had pointed the finger squarely at Russia and Vladimir Putin, schooling the former Congressman big time:
“This is what they do, (and) they’re very confident that it was Russia. They know how to see when it’s Russia, we’ve talked to people involved in the investigation. I don’t think we need to muddy those waters absent any new information.”
Then Cuomo laid the karmic bomb of truth on Kingston, telling him that he was correct in saying no evidence of hacking into voting machines had yet been uncovered, but reminding him that kind of talk came from Trump and his campaign in the first place:
“Part of the reason people think that goes back to the Trump campaign, because they were advancing theories about the concern of that, and about (George) Soros and his ownership of the machines. That was coming from Trump’s team and the surrogates around him who were spreading that BS in the days leading up to the election. So they have to own that, too. Those chickens are coming home to roost.”
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