If there’s one thing Republicans excel at, it’s wild, far-fetched conspiracy theories for which they have no proof but insist you should believe. Donald Trump is a YUGE fan of conspiracy theories, as is InfoWars nutjob Alex Jones. Apparently in the absence of facts, these dillholes feel free to make up whatever pops into their fevered birdbrains.

Today on MSNBC, California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher told host Andrea Mitchell he had no problem at all with the fact that the Russians interfered with the 2016 election by releasing information from computer hackers who invaded DNC servers.

“I’ve never expressed doubt that Russia hacked into these emails and made them available to the American people. I don’t care who provided us those emails. The emails were factual and thus the emails — it did not hurt the American people to have more factual information available to them. This is just a frantic effort to discredit an election because the American people rejected the liberal left effort, the massive campaign against Trump.”

When Mitchell countered the Congressman by reminding him,”It’s stolen!” Rohrabacher reached deep into his bag of bullshit and brought out a story that has been debunked: He alleged that Teddy Kennedy:

“Went to Moscow in 1984, met with the head of the KGB and asked if we could arrange some kind of an event that would dislodge Reagan’s support in the upcoming election.

“Now that was treason!”


“Would you like it if Russia hacked into your emails and produced 10 years of your Gmail account?”

Rohrabacher’s reply proves just how unhinged this maniac is:

“When you’re a public official, you know that you are the target of such hacking. And when we’re talking about this particular case, let’s figure out what is worse? Hillary destroyed emails that were under subpoena — she destroyed them. What’s worse? That’s worse than the Russians hacking in and giving us those emails?”

When Mitchell attempted to point out the vast gulf of difference between Clinton’s private email server with emails stolen by a hostile government, Rohrabacher told her both things were “exactly the same,” and he added this:

“You have someone destroying evidence and running for office. And they don’t expect that their emails can then be hacked into and the American people are not then going to get to know about what she destroyed. That’s the real issue here.”

What the Congressman forgets is that the Russians may have millions of Donald Trump’s emails, too, and they may be waiting for the perfect time to release them as a way of destabilizing the United States. Wonder if he’ll be so dismissive of hacking then.

Featured Image Via MSNBC Screengrab