The dangerous connections between the President-elect of the United States and the government of Russia is far more complex and a lot more sinister than we have been lead to believe.

While the focus here has been on the question of Russia’s interference in our election, a darker force has been at work and has received very little notice.

There is a man in Russia named Aleksandr Dugin. He is as far to the right as it is possible for a person to be, politically. He refers to himself as a fascist. He writes that Russia needs fascism to succeed. He helped to create a “new Bolshevik” party.

Dugin’s religious beliefs can be compared to those of fundamentalist Christians. His sect is called the “Old Believers” and dates back to the 17th century when reforms were made to the Orthodox Church. Dugin and other “Old Believers” refuse to accept any updates to their religious practices. They see themselves as adherents to the truth who are under attack by popular culture.

Sound familiar?

Aleksandr Dugin is also a believer is something called the “Fourth Political Theory.”  It is said to be a new philosophy that both pulls together and moves beyond the previous theories of liberal democracy, Marxism and fascism. Basically, this theory supports the idea of nationalism and urges an end to multiculturalism. The Fourth Political Theory says that all of human history has been a struggle between a “liberal” Western world and the true “traditional” world of the east.

Dugin calls for a Eurasian alliance of Russia, Turkey, Syria, Korea and other countries to face off against the liberal “west.”

And listen to this. Aleksandr Dugin believes that the new political reality will only come about through World War III.

Durgin has written this:

“Liberalism is an absolute evil…The American empire should be destroyed.”

This man hates the U.S. and all that it stands for.

He is also a supporter of incoming President Donald J. Trump. He has said that Trump is essentially a loose cannon, calling him “rude” and “crude.” He has said that the election of Trump would help Russia to defeat the “liberal” West.

He wanted Trump to win, but not because he believes that Trump will help the United States to succeed.


With the goal of electing Trump in mind, Dugin became a supporter and confidant of Alex Jones. In this Facebook post, Dugin refers to Jones as “Trump’s secret weapon.”

The headline reads: “Our point of view: The information battering ram.” What a perfect description of Alex Jones and Info Wars.

He also supports right wing, white supremacist Steve Bannon, who has been named as one of Trump’s White House advisors.

So let’s be clear. Aleksandr Dugin backs Donald Trump because he has nationalist, white supremacist advisors, and because he can be influenced by Moscow.

He wants to use Trump to pursue his nationalist Russian agenda.

Aleksandr Dugin is also one of Vladimir Putin’s closest advisors. He has been called “Putin’s brain” and “Putin’s Rasputin.” He is leading Putin toward a nationalistic, pro-Bolshevik government policy.

So, fellow progressives, let’s be very clear here.

Donald Trump’s web of ties to Russia do not end with the Russian Government hacking of our election. They are far more dangerous. One of Russia’s scariest political minds, Aleksander Dugin, wants to push for a Third World War in which the “traditionalist Eurasian” powers will defeat the corrupt liberal West, lead by the United States.

Dugin speaks and writes in support of Trump insiders Steve Bannon and Alex Jones.

Trump is being played for a fool by the worst parts of Russia’s new Bolshevik government.

We are in the crosshairs.

Please research Aleksandr Dugin. Please spread the word.

This is some seriously scary sh*t going on.

You can learn more about Aleksandr Dugin in the video below.

Featured image via YouTube screengrab.