Today, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer actually took questions from the press, but the event didn’t go any better then when he whined over the weekend about how the media was vastly understating the number of people who were present at Trump’s inauguration.
One of the questions Spicer entertained came from CNN’s Jim Acosta, whom Trump had accused of spreading “fake news.” Acosta asked why the Trump Administration remained so obsessed with the attendance at the inauguration. To that, Spicer replied:
“You see this historic thing [the inauguration], it’s an amazing view,” he said. “And that was for the first time that we had to go through fencing, that far out.”
Then Spicer bemoaned that media coverage of Trump “is always negative, and it’s demoralizing.”
Poor little thing! Twitter wasted no time taking Spicer and Trump apart:
president snowflake
— … (@planning_ahead) January 23, 2017
I didn't really understand the term "snowflake" until Sean Spicer.
— Randi Mayem Singer (@rmayemsinger) January 23, 2017
.@seanspicer should try reading his script to himself first just to see if he understands ANY of the words. @GOP
— Andy Kindler (@AndyKindler) January 23, 2017
.@seanspicer's whining monologue about how he finds bad stories "demoralizing" is incredibly energizing for those of us in the opposition.
— Adam Jentleson ? (@AJentleson) January 23, 2017
I think @seanspicer is confusing the White House press briefing room for a therapist's office.
— igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) January 23, 2017
It's rich watching @seanspicer whine abt how the media isn't giving Trump the love given GOP Obama obstruction & that he works for a birther
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) January 23, 2017
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