It seems like our precious President Snowflake is basically a 70-year-old child who hates being criticized and throws fits every time something doesn’t go his way. We got some idea of that this weekend when White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said all the negative press was demoralizing the president. But now sources within President Donald Trump’s inner circle are telling any reporter who will listen about their boss’s infantile personality traits. A reporter from Politico wrote:

“One person who frequently talks to Trump said aides have to push back privately against his worst impulses in the White House, like the news conference idea, and have to control information that may infuriate him. He gets bored and likes to watch TV, this person said, so it is important to minimize that.”

So, the equivalent of a three-year-old who gets mad at Dora the Explorer. Great.

Trump was really bothered by his inauguration crowd size after seeing comparisons to former President Barack Obama’s on Twitter, and especially after watching the responding Women’s March on TV. The latter’s numbers dwarfed the inauguration, and aides say Trump’s reaction was one of adolescent anger.

But the examples don’t end there. Sean Spicer’s weekend attack on the media was filled with lies and appeared petulant, but Trump thought he wasn’t forceful enough. The most scoff-worthy claim, however, has to be this one:

“Trump has been resentful, even furious, at what he views as the media’s failure to reflect the magnitude of his achievements, and he feels demoralized that the public’s perception of his presidency so far does not necessarily align with his own sense of accomplishment.”

Mr. Trump, if you’re looking for a pat on the back before you’ve even accomplished anything, you’ve got another think coming. You want praise? Earn it. Not just from the media, but from the American public. Who you now serve.

If you need a laugh, watch Sean Spicer try to keep track of his lies here:

Featured image from YouTube video.