It might come as a shock to some of you, but in a strictly biological sense, it is the female of the species that does most of the actual work.
When it comes to reproduction that is.
We live in an age where both genders strive for equality. We live in a world where both men and women work hard at maintaining levels of mutual respect despite finding one another chronically incomprehensible. It’s good that we’ve come so far, even if there is some way to go.
Still, equal we might be but the same we are not.
Female plumbing is simply more complicated than its male equivalent and though the invention of the Shewee has gone some way to address the balance, the slight inconvenience of pregnancy remains a burden that only women get to bear.
Which is why to some — including President Donald Trump and the cadre of sun-bleached cadavers he surrounds himself with — the reproductive health of the half of society they have little use for is of little concern.
Scratch that, it’s of none; They literally couldn’t give a fuck.
Let alone use protection whilst doing so.
So, it comes as little surprise that one of Trump’s first actions as President was to reinstate the so-called Mexico City Policy a clause that bars international non-governmental organizations that perform or promote abortions from receiving U.S. government aid.
The move as predictable as it was petty and vindictive, was met with immediate condemnation.
This group just made it more difficult for women to get access to health care worldwide. You tell me what's wrong with this picture.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) January 23, 2017
Going Dutch
Still, why let a group of aging, alabaster cockroaches who’d rather grab a pussy than have it receive appropriate levels of medical attention spoil what might otherwise be a perfectly nice night out?
With the U.S. representing only around 5% of the population and with what looks like a partially deflated helium balloon in an Armani suit at the helm, the time might have come for the international community to stop following America’s lead.
The Netherlands certainly seems to think so.
Horrified at the prospect of millions of women suffering as a consequence of Trump’s hatred for them, the Dutch Government is planning to launch an international fund to finance access to birth control and abortion in developing countries.
As Dutch Trade and Development Minister Lilianne Ploumen was quick to point out:
“Banning abortions does not result in fewer abortions.”
Indeed it does not.
It results in more dead women of course. But fuck those guys.
According to the WHO, of the 21.6 million women who experience an unsafe abortion worldwide each year, 47 000 women die from complications. That equates to around 13% of all maternal deaths.
Dutch Ado About Something
The Dutch response is not only laudable, it’s prophetic. It’s a signal to the rest of the world that we are now in damage control. That for the next four years we cannot rely on the U.S. to do the right thing.
That for the time being, we need to rely on each other and let America drift off into narrow-minded, alternative fact, xenophobic obscurity.
Because with Trump potentially green-lighting a measure to withdraw from the UN — an organization that has prevented major powers from waging war with another for over seventy years — things aren’t looking so great for Uncle Sam right now.
Trump also seems keen to start a war with China. A war that it cannot win. He might even get the eastern seaboard destroyed in the process.
Regardless, one thing s clear; it looks like the American Century is over. It looks like its going to end with whiny press conferences, petty gestures, and pointless bravado.
With experts predicting the collapse of American global power by 2020, it seems fitting that we have Trump in the cockpit. Because as the engines fail one by one, he’ll probably assume the ground is rushing towards him to offer its obeisance.
And when America hits the ground like a fucking dart at least we can take some comfort in the fact he’ll be there with us.
Front row center.
This Dutch video on Trump has gone viral because, well, just watch it:
Featured image from YouTube video.