MSNBC host Joy Reid has given plenty of time to President Donald Trump’s supporters and advocates over the past few months. Often, she uses her time with these guests to poke holes in their arguments. Other times, she just sits back and lets the guests incriminate themselves. That’s what happened when Reid had Kristan Hawkins of the anti-choice group Students for Life on her program to discuss the women’s protest marches against Trump.

Like many panel discussions that occurred on news networks during this contentious election season, this panel got into several arguments over just what exactly Planned Parenthood does. Hawkins made several claims about how much federal money was going to funding abortions instead of procedures like mammograms. Reid was dubious of her claims, considering she had Alencia Johnson, the Director of Communications for Planned Parenthood, on the panel as well.

Hawkins spouted her talking points, as Reid and Johnson tried their best to not openly mock her. Johnson then calmly explained that Planned Parenthood does the cancer screening, then refers patients out to receive mammograms, just like any other healthcare provider.

The highlight of the panel comes near the end, when Reid tries to smooth things over. She asks her panel:

I want to see if we can end on at least one note of agreement. Does everyone who is around this table, and virtually at this table, agree at least that contraception should be legal?”

Hawkins then proceeds to blow Reid’s mind by saying that she, in fact, does not believe methods like IUDs and birth control pills should be legal. She calls these methods “abortion-causing contraception,” and tells the panel:

I don’t think they should be legal. They put women at risk and kill children.”

A muted “interesting” can be heard in the background, Reid looks utterly confused, and she asks Hawkins to clarify. She reiterates her statement again. Reid ends the piece completely astounded, and issues this closing statement:

“Wow… Well, we have gotten some real clarity; I think the American people have gotten quite a bit of clarity on what your movement wants to do.”

Reid even has trouble holding it together as she thanks Hawkins for being on the show. Check out the full interview below, and try not to cringe too hard at the end:

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