As the first week of the Trump administration came to a close, it was clear that many of the people who work for the government were unhappy with the new boss and his activities.

A lot of those people, including staff at NASA, the EPA, and the National Park Service had been ordered to stop talking publicly about actions being taken by the White House. That attempt to hide the truth didn’t go over well, and employees took to Twitter, using private alternative accounts to share facts with the public.

Now another group of government employees is using the same tactic and this time its enough to terrify us all.

The group calls itself RoguePOTUS Staff. It’s said to be comprised of insiders who work within the White House itself. They are determined to remain anonymous, and have vowed to block anyone, including the media, who asks for their identities.

They are also determined to remain peaceful, and have said they’ll block anyone who even hints at any acts of violence against the Trump administration.

Although the site only appeared on January 26th, it has reached nearly 300,000 followers already.

The RoguePOTUS Staff reveals a President who is bad as our worst fears. Obsessed with popularity, determined to get revenge on anyone who opposes himself and firm in the belief that he is a ruling monarch.

The account often refers to the “unholy Trinity,” which is a biblical terms used to refer to the “end of days.” In the White House, it means the three men who are seen to be trying to gain control of Trump.

The tweets are terrifying because they claim that Trump can’t be pushed to work on policy, even by his closest advisors. They claim, too, that Steve Bannon is really the man behind the curtain, pulling all of Trump’s strings.

Bannon is said to be in an almost open fight with the “unholy trinity,” who want to depose both him and Trump so that Pence can step in and take over.

The scariest part of the scenario might be the claim that the “unholy trinity” insisted on listening in as Trump spoke to Putin because they think he has in fact been compromised by the Russians.

Go and follow @RoguePOTUSStaff. Read for yourself. If even a quarter of what they describe is actually happening, the White House is in complete disarray. The President is mentally ill and incapable of running things. The Unholy Trinity is trying to keep him under control long enough to get rid of him, and Steve Bannon is behind the scenes fanning the flames of Trump’s insanity.

We need to convince Congress to act NOW. Meanwhile, I have updated my passport and contacted my friends in Europe.

Featured image by Matt Wade via Flickr. (CC BY-SA 2.0)