WATCH Steve Bannon’s Ex-Partner Stop Responding In The Middle Of An Interview

Steve Bannon may be the most powerful unelected person to ever serve in any White House. Some have even suggested that Bannon is actually running the country. But who exactly is this man, this power behind the throne?

We know that Bannon once told a reporter:

“(Vladimir) Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”

But to truly know a person, it’s usually most instructive to talk to the people they associate and work with. And that was the goal on CNN early Wednesday morning when Alisyn Camerota and Chris Cuomo were interviewing Bannon’s former writing partner, Julia Jones, when the entire segment went haywire.

Camerota began by asking Jones, who worked with Bannon for 20 years in Hollywood what her former partner was like. Jones nervously replied:

“What is Steve like?. He’s a very different person now than he was then, 20 years ago. I don’t really know the Steve Bannon that you have today.

“Steve always tended to focus on military battles, his bible was The Art of War.”

This led Camerota to ask a logical follow-up question:

“Why does he love war?


“You would have to ask him, he’s a man, I’m not. I think that Steve liked the strategy.”

Then Jones stopped, as if frozen, unable to say another word, finally managing to say:

“I’m going to ask…”

With that, Jones stood up and walked away, no longer in the camera shot.

Jones didn’t return, leaving Camerota and Cuomo to spend the next several minutes discussing Bannon with columnist Michael Wolff. It may wind up being one of the most bizarre TV segments ever filmed. Take a look:

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