In the last year-and-a-half, Donald Trump has said some really chilling things in public, and fired off some really scary posts on social media. You will recall that this is a guy who found it acceptable to plaster a private cell phone number on social media, mock the disabled, and fat-shame a former Miss Universe. This is a guy who also openly reveled in degrading women.
But as outrageous as those are, Trump’s latest morning rage tweet may be the most outrageous he’s fired off yet. Hours after federal judge James Robart temporarily halted enforcement of Trump’s executive order banning travel and emigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries, Trump fired off this.
The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017
I had to scroll up and scroll back down when I saw this tweet on my phone on Saturday morning. I didn’t expect Trump to agree with Robart’s ruling. And if and when a judge ever struck it down, I would have expected Trump to spare no expense in defending it.
But to suggest that he isn’t really a judge because he concluded that travel ban was unconstitutional is beyond the pale. Does Trump seriously believe that a judge who doesn’t merely rubber-stamp presidential acts is merely a “so-called judge”? Apparently so, based on this tweet. This can only be described as a ham-handed attempt by the president of the United States to intimidate every judge at every level in this country. And that should send a chill down the spine of any fair-minded American, regardless of party.
It hasn’t taken long for Twitter to render its verdict on this latest rage tweet from Trump.
New ABC TGIF lineup…
My So-Called Judge
Full Racist House
Boy Meets The Constitution
Muslim Families Don't MatterProduced By Trump
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) February 4, 2017
#Trump can sign an EO on immigration; federal courts can void it as unconstitutional. His defiant "so-called judge" tweet is scariest yet.
— Howard Fineman (@howardfineman) February 4, 2017
Trump’s “so-called judge” line is considerably worse than attacking decisions (everyone, always) or working the refs (Obama). Inappropriate.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) February 4, 2017
"So-called judge"- though not surprising word construction from Trump, might be his most dangerous utterance yet. We are country of laws.
— david maraniss (@davidmaraniss) February 4, 2017
Dismissing a "so-called judge" is no joke. If you don't stand behind court orders, Trump will ignore them like demands for his tax returns.
— Will Saletan (@saletan) February 4, 2017
#Trump now moves on to question legitimacy of "so-called judge" who halted immigration ban. A profoundly dangerous monent for US democracy
— Anthony A. Mills (@AAMills) February 4, 2017
1st Q at next Trump press conf: what is a "so-called judge"?
Judge Judy?
Judge chosen by GW Bush & confirmed by Senate?— Lawrence O'Donnell (@Lawrence) February 4, 2017
Disagreeing with a court decision is fine, but undermining the legitimacy of a judge and the Judiciary Branch is a threat to the Republic.
— Evan McMullin (@Evan_McMullin) February 4, 2017
By Saturday morning, we got another reminder that the right still doesn’t get social media. The hashtag “#SoCalledPresident” was starting to trend on Twitter.
He's trying to delegitimize the Courts just like he did w/ the media. Straight out of Fascism Playbook. Our #SoCalledPresident = dictator.
— Michael Kasdan (@michaelkasdan) February 4, 2017
Trump called federal Bush appointee a so-called judge, so if its ok to delegitimize actual LAW then I guess he's our #socalledPresident
— Diana Hess (@dianahess22) February 4, 2017
Another day to remind ourselves 54% of the country voted against Trump, 3 million more voted for Hillary. #socalledpresident
— Vote November 6th ? (@neeratanden) February 4, 2017
If Judge Robart, who is standing up for the law and due process, is a "so-called" judge, then Trump is the #socalledpresident
— Ron Engleman Jr., PE (@RonEnglemanJr) February 4, 2017
Has anyone explained to @realDonaldTrump #SoCalledPresident of the U.S, the separation of powers under the Constitution?
— Gerry Brown (@GerryBrown20) February 4, 2017
However, this is no laughing matter. There was a lot of hand-wringing during Obama’s presidency from the right about him being a dictator, even in the face of ample evidence that he didn’t do dictator very well. But now we have a president who is openly intimidating judges. If that isn’t a dictatorial act, I don’t know what is.
What makes this even more chilling is that this is actually the second time in as many weekends that this White House has openly revealed its disregard for dissent. If you’ll recall, his chief strategist and chief brownshirt, Steve Bannon, suggested that the media ought to “keep its mouth shut” until it understood why Trump won. Then information minister Kellyanne Conway whined that calling out Trump’s lies actually endangered democracy. Trump himself got in on the act when he suggested someone ought to buy The New York Times and “run it correctly,” and Conway followed up by suggesting any reporters who attacked Trump during the campaign ought to be fired.
And now Trump has followed up his declaration of open war on the press with what can only be described as a declaration of war on the judiciary. If it wasn’t already amply established before, it definitely is now–we have a president whose oath of office means nothing to him. And that should frighten anyone who truly cares about this country.
(featured image courtesy Bigsmokey’s Twitter)