Vice President Mike Pence has made some interesting statements about the rights of LGBTQ. In an interview with ABC on Sunday Pence was asked if Trump would repeal Obama’s historic same sex marriage bill. In a surprise answer the vice president said:

“I think throughout the campaign, President Trump made it clear that discrimination would have no place in our administration.”

Um, no that was made not clear in this campaign in fact quite the opposite was expressed. Many of Trump’s policies have been based on discrimination and this has been more than apparent since taking power.

Trump led a campaign seemingly defined by intolerance and injustice. A blanket ban on Muslims is discrimination. Wanting to build a wall along the Mexican border and not along the Canadian border is discrimination. Generalizing about a group of people is discrimination.

As for Pence saying they will not be discriminating specifically against the gay community – this is pretty rich. This from a man who is reported to have once been supportive of conversion therapy.

I don’t know if you can get any more discriminatory than trying to force gay people to become straight. It is not only discrimination, but also a stark breach of human rights.

While it is a good thing that Pence is not opposing the current law of equal marriage rights. It does reveal that Pence and the whole administration is hypocritical and selective with regard to the problem of discrimination.

President Barack Obama called gay people his “brothers and sisters” when bringing in the same sex marriage act. This is language that unites. When Trump described Mexicans coming over the border, he said some were “rapists.” This is the kind of rhetoric that causes divides. It also implies that Trump believes that America has no rapists – which is also clearly untrue.

Pence says the administration does not stand for discrimination with regards same-sex marriage and yet defends their other discrimination towards immigrants as necessary.

Yes people should be properly vetted when they come into a country. However blanket bans are the very definition of discrimination.

Watch Pence’s full interview here:

Featured image from YouTube video.