‘Trump’s Plan To Save Humanity Under Attack’ — Watch Alex Jones’ Bizarre Rant (VIDEO)

Holy Crap, folks.

For those of us who have been carefully monitoring the first three weeks of the Trump administration, this story is beyond crazy.

Alex Jones is the writer and host of the far-right, conspiracy theorist radio broadcast the “Alex Jones Show” and the mind behind the alt-right website Infowars. He has been famous for a very long time for his crazy pants theories about the “New World Order” and the dangers that our government represents.

In the world of political philosophy, political theory, and government planning, Jones is known as a nutburger.

And here he is, proving the point more effectively than any opponent could.

Alex Jones and Infowars are on a rampage, trying to prove that evil, left-leaning media types are out to get his boss. Jones took to the airwaves on his website to make the case for supporting Trump.

Jones said:

“I see how uninformed the public is when it comes to serious issues, it hurts my heart. Now the globalists, and  parasitic elite, they’re optimistic. They look at a dumbed down population busy watching TV and football and they think, ‘Hey, these are people I can exploit.”

Jones went on to explain why, after criticizing Clinton, Bush and Obama, he is all about supporting Trump. He was all excited about Trump pulling us out of the TPP international trade agreement.

He ranted about Trump saving people from the dreadful penalties that came with not having health insurance.

He wiped sweat off his brow as he talked about all the ways that Trump has opposed Isis and Al-Queda folks who were empowered by the last administration.

Then he went off on a whole nutcake rant about Brexit and Europe.

But this was his big claim of the day:

The big blowhard had a complete hissyfit about how all the key economic outlets (he cited Bloomberg, Reuters, CNBC, JP Morgan Chase, world bank) were predicting a market collapse based on Trump’s presence in the world economy. He just about jumped up and down screaming about how wrong they all were.

He was absolutely aghast at such a thing.

He went on, red faced and sweating, to claim that Donald Trump was the first leader in the history of the U.S. to be working for “pro-American” interests.

Much like his boss, his ranting and raving was disjointed and incoherent. He called the State Department the “shadow government” and said that it was above the CIA.

He kept going, in a completely Trumpesque disconnected rambling speech. He attacked Paul Ryan, the State Department, the globalists. Without even wiping the foam off his mouth, he went on to attack France’s right wing Marine Le Pen, but then jumped right into another slam of Ryan and the Republican Party. He blasted Reince Preibus and the rest of the party establishment for trying to undermine Trump.

Incomprehensibly, this nut job then claimed that protestors on the left are a bunch of stupid fascists. He even said,

“You dress like fascists!”

Say, what now?

If you want to see the kind of absolute insanity that is working in support of our mentally unbalanced President, click on the link below. But I suggest that you have both a close friend and a tasty beverage in hand before you listen to this rage filled tantrum.


Featured image via YouTube Screengrab.

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"