You know things are looking dicey when even a Republican stalwart is melting down over the chaos in the White House.

Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona is the Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee. As such, he is closely involved with the National Security Council (NSC).

The Senator has served in the House and Senate since 1982. He’s seen a lot of Presidents come and go, and he knows that its all supposed to look like.

That’s why his comments in the past few days have been so striking. Even the staunchly conservative Arizona Senator has come very close to admitting that the President and his crew are totally bonkers.

After the sudden resignation/firing/public scapegoating of General Flynn, the President’s National Security Advisor, McCain was about ready to tear out his hair. He was frustrated that the constant conversation about Flynn and his Russian contacts was stopping Congress from getting any actual work done.

The Senator would like to be spending his time working on the replacement plan for The Affordable Care Act. He’d like to be working on tax reform.

He’s pretty fed up with all the talk about the Russians. He’s tired of trying to figure out who said what to whom and when. He was very professional when he said:

“As our nation confronts the most complex and diverse array of global challenges since the end of World War II, it is imperative that the president select a new national security adviser who is empowered by clear lines of authority and responsibility and possesses the skills and experience necessary to organize the national security system across our government.”

But the good Senator got a little hotter under the collar when he added this:

“It’s a dysfunctional White House. … Nobody knows who’s in charge and nobody knows who’s setting policies.”

Holy crap. The Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee is upset because the White House is in total chaos.

I’m scared, I don’t know about you. I am definitely scared.

Featured image via YouTube screengrab.