Over the course of the past five days, Donald Trump has seen one National Security Adviser resign under pressure because he had discussions with the Russian ambassador without authorization and another candidate tell him he isn’t interested in accepting the post.

On Thursday, retired Vice Admiral Robert Harward informed the so-called president he would not accept the offer to be the next National Security Adviser. Harward said the reason he declined was strictly a personal matter, telling the Associated Press:

“It’s purely a personal issue. I’m in a unique position finally after being in the military for 40 years to enjoy some personal time.”

No one can deny that after 40 years on active duty in the Navy that Admiral Harward has earned some time for himself, but is that the whole story on why he passed on the chance to hold one of the most coveted jobs in Washington? Not according to Jake Tapper of CNN, who reports:

There’s also little doubt that after Trump’s bizarre, rambling, out-of-control press conference on Thursday that Harward may have realized that he didn’t want to work for a person as mentally unstable as Trump.

Social media had some other ideas why Harward may have chosen to remain retired:

Oh well. Looks like it’s back to square one for Trump. Word is that Michael Flynn might agree to take his old job back provided he’s placed in the witness protection program and gets a new identity, including extensive plastic surgery. Failing that, Trump could always appoint one of his sons. They’re too scared (and stupid) to refuse the offer.

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