President Trump took his fourth straight weekend trip from the White House to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
On Friday, the students were watching the motorcade roll in when they threw a block of wood at one of the vehicles.
The Palm Beach County’s posted this about the incident on Facebook:
“While assisting the United States Secret Service with a motorcade movement for President Donald Trump it was reported that a vehicle in the motorcade had been struck by what was believed to be a small hard object. The incident was reported to have taken place on Southern Boulevard between Parker Avenue and Lake Avenue. Immediately after completing the motorcade movement several members of the motorcade returned to the scene and began canvassing the area looking for witnesses and any small hard objects along the roadway in that area.”
“The investigation determined that a juvenile from a local middle school confessed to throwing the 2 x 4 (see attached) at the motorcade. The juvenile also implicated four additional students that were involved for a total of five.”
The five students involved are facing charges; however, we are not sure if they will be tried as adults. As the report said, there were several demonstrators along the president’s route.
After the police and Secret Service got the president to Mar-a-Lago safely, they went back to find out what happened. That was when they discovered the block of wood and several rocks in the area.
Secret Service agents went into local stores and gas stations looking for video of the suspects.
We have ID'd Juveniles who threw a 2 x 4 at Presidential Motorcade.
A juvenile from a local middle school confessed to throwing the 2 x 4.— PBSO (@PBCountySheriff) February 18, 2017
This is not the first security incident that has been involved with Trump. One day in December, Trump Tower was evacuated over a suspicious package in the lobby. It turned out to be a bag of children’s toys.
We’ll see what happens to these kids who threw the block.
Featured image via YouTube screenshot.