While many Americans are worried about the odd moves made by Donald Trump since he took the oath of office, it turns out that Russian officials are also starting to get jittery about how tenuous a grip on reality and power the so-called president seems to have a month into his administration.

Former Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Fedorov told NBC News that the Kremlin thinks that Trump’s repeated attacks on the news media and slurs against American intelligence agencies have left him “dancing on thin ice,” and could lead to him being removed from office.

In addition to Fedorov, former Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov said the Russians do not view Trump’s stumbles in a humorous light at all:

“Absolutely not — not laughing. The situation is very serious and the whole of [Putin’s] team, they are nervous.”

Currently, the Russians are busy compiling a psychological profile of Trump that is designed to help Russian President Vladimir Putin avoid doing anything that could threaten Trump’s leadership, while at the same time encouraging him to do things which would benefit Russia.

Fedorov says the ultimate goal for Russia is to help Trump avoid looking like a Russian puppet but also securing his support for several important Russian policy goals. Fedorov added:

“We should avoid any kind of step that could damage Trump. Trump cannot come to a meeting with Putin as a loser — he must sort out his domestic problems first.”

If indeed this is the strategy being employed by Putin and the Russians, can there be any doubt that Russia played a major role in assuring Trump won the 2016 election?

Several key questions remain that have not yet been answered in regard to what ties Trump has to Russia or what compromising information the Russians may have on the American head of state. Should those be revealed, Trump’s grip on power could become untenable.

Featured Image Via Telegraph.uk