In recent years, there’s been a lot of reason to wonder whether the American Conservative Union, the folks who run the Conservative Political Action Conference, have any standards at all. In 2012, for instance, CPAC invited Peter Brimelow, the founder of the notorious white nationalist site VDARE, to speak at a panel on the supposed failure of multiculturalism. That same year, one speaker actually applauded attacks on mosques.
Well, it looks like that CPAC and the ACU have some standards after all. Alt-right provocateur and Breitbart News columnist Milo Yiannopoulos was slated to have a prime speaking slot at this coming weekend’s edition of CPAC just outside Washington. But less than 24 hours after video surfaced showing Yiannopoulos seemingly condoning pedophilia, CPAC told Yiannopoulos that he was not welcome.
ACU chairman Matt Schlapp made the announcement late Monday afternoon.
"@ACUConservative has decided to rescind the invitation of Milo Yiannopoulos to speak at #CPAC2017."
— Matt Schlapp (@mschlapp) February 20, 2017
“Insufficient” is being really kind to it. Yiannopoulos’ claim that those criticizing him were merely aping the tactics of “social justice warriors” is downright laughable, considering that he openly stated that sexual relationships between younger boys and older men were “coming of age” situations.
The ACU’s move did not come without some prodding. Soon after the videos surfaced, Yiannopoulos’ remarks were condemned from across the political spectrum. Bill Kristol of The Weekly Standard said it was “despicable” that Yiannopoulos was being allowed to speak there. Jonah Goldberg of National Review thought that Yiannopoulos was even on the schedule at all, and wondered why his history of racist and anti-Semitic remarks wasn’t a “deal breaker.”
Apparently the decision to invite Yiannopoulos went over the head of the ACU’s board. Ned Ryun, an ACU board member and the head of American Majority, an organization that identifies and trains potential conservative candidates for local and state offices, was particularly outraged that his organization would allow Yiannopoulos to darken its doorstep. He was also angered that Schlapp hadn’t bothered to clear the invite with the ACU board.
This is why you consult board members.
— Ned Ryun (@nedryun) February 20, 2017
There's nothing about this that's amusing. This isn't about free speech. This is about basic decency.
— Ned Ryun (@nedryun) February 20, 2017
The alt-right and its "fellow travelers" have no place inside the conservative movement. #CPAC2017 #MAGA
— Ned Ryun (@nedryun) February 20, 2017
While I'm all for free speech, there is such a thing as vile, hateful speech that does not deserve a platform. #CPAC2017
— Ned Ryun (@nedryun) February 20, 2017
According to TheBlaze, Schlapp would have been faced with an open revolt had Yiannopoulos remained on the schedule. At least one board member was prepared to resign if Schlapp hadn’t pulled the invitation, and others were reportedly ready to follow him out the door.
The most stinging criticism, however, came from CNN’s Jake Tapper. In a Sunday night tweetstorm, Tapper recalled that one of his conservative friends was molested as a child, and hit the ceiling when he saw Yiannopoulos on tape.
Friend of mine, conservative, could not be more distraught by this Milo tape. Was molested as a child. Horrified.
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) February 20, 2017
My friend, a survivor of sex trafficking: "Milo straight up defended abusing 13 yr old boys…Please don't let that be normalized"
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) February 20, 2017
More from survivor of sex trafficking: "Please please please don't let that mess he said go away."
How on earth can CPAC defend this?
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) February 20, 2017
Was planning on ignoring for the most part, for those saying "stop publicizing him." But friend reached out & pled w me to say something
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) February 20, 2017
And sometimes that's what journalists do – give voice to the voiceless. In this case, a survivor of sex trafficking HORRIFIED by Milo.
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) February 20, 2017
Preying on children is the definition of evil. Justifying it in any way is sick and disturbing.
Has everyone lost their minds?
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) February 20, 2017
There was already ample reason to wonder why Schlapp had lost his mind even before these disgusting videos came out. After all, we’re talking about a guy who is one of the most notorious apologists for rape culture in the country. When Harvard benched its men’s soccer team for creating “scouting reports” about the women’s team, Yiannopolos harrumphed that they were being punished for mere “locker room talk.” He was also permanently banished from Twitter for leading the trolling of Leslie Jones.
Yiannopoulos isn’t the only one who has some explaining to do. If Schlapp needed to see those videos to conclude that a man who is nothing more than a highly-paid troll had any business being at CPAC, it’s time for him to go. If a liberal organization had invited someone with Yiannopoulos’ history to speak at a conference, the organizers would have been ridden out on a rail within minutes, not hours, of said history coming to light. After all, we would have never stood for giving this kind of debauchery a platform, not even for a minute.
This is no different. If Schlapp has anything in him, he will offer an apology of his own for inviting Milo–and resign himself.
(featured image courtesy Milo’s Facebook)