If you’re taking part in the resistance to Donald Trump, don’t be surprised if you see people standing nearby on the streets with their hands stretched out in your direction. Chances are they’ve been influenced by the “explanation” a number of religious right luminaries have for the outrage against the Donald. As far as they’re concerned, all opposition to Trump, starting with the Women’s March, has been driven by witchcraft and demons. Supposedly, the devil himself is behind the resistance to Trump, and if you dare to stand against Trump, it’s because you’re demon possessed.

One of the biggest proponents of this fundified agitprop is Lance Wallnau, one of the leading minds in the New Apostolic Reformation–the overtly fascist offshoot of the religious right that believes Jesus can’t come back unless Christians take over the world and put down all resistance to them. Apparently he considers the organizers of the Women’s March to be part of that potential resistance. He claimed that it exposed that the progressive spirit and the spirit of witchcraft were one and the same; they both have a desire to “control and intimidate, manipulate.”

Well, thanks to Wallnau, we now know who is responsible for driving that spirit of witchcraft. On Wednesday night, he took to Periscope to tell his followers that the media is using witchcraft to turn the nation against Trump. Watch here.

Wallnau claimed that roughly five percent of Americans were “wired like zombies” to stir things up against Trump and vent their “issue unhappiness.” However, he believed there was a backlash coming–and it would start once everyone realized that “this was a problem with America.”

When he realized this, he claimed it was like “pulling back the veil” on what is driving the protests–similar to what happened when Elijah saw the “demonic infrastructure” of what he was facing in the Bible. Wallnau didn’t see anything like that. However, he claimed his eyes had been opened to all the protests on the streets and at congressional town halls of late.

“It’s the extent of funding, malice, organization and intentionality behind the protests.  The discontent, and the exaggeration and manipulation, mind control, and witchcraft that is coming through media–that every event, every day, there will be something sought out as an event to express unrest, with the ultimate purpose of undoing the will of (the) Electoral College, undoing the will of 60 million Americans.”

Wallnau then claimed–with a straight face–that the Republicans never did this after Obama’s two elections. I wonder where he was when the tea party protests started breaking out in 2009.

Oh, that’s right. When Republicans protest, they’re just good Christians who are expressing their right to speak out against the government. When Democrats do it, they’re on the take from George Soros and being influenced by witchcraft in the press, radio, and television.

In a classic case of projection, Wallnau claimed that liberals almost always go into “absolute visceral meltdown” when the Democrats lose. Indeed, he’s seen many that have been so “zombified” that they have actually been taken over by a spirit that encases them in “an unreal bubble.”

All the talk of Trump being a fascist, for instance? No, it’s not because he and his minions have gone into all-out war against the media. It’s not because he’s blatantly intimidating judges. It’s because the media is taking advantage of Americans.

“And they believe this garbage because they don’t have a filter for their brain. They’ve sucked in the toxic poisoning of what they were taught in school, what their friends say to them and what they watch on toxic news channels.”

Wallnau was speaking in code–one that anyone who has followed the religious right will readily recognize. It’s more or less an article of faith on the religious right that you can’t be a Christian and a liberal. Wallnau was telling his followers that anyone who has the “filter” of Jesus on their minds would be bowing before the Orange Calf. It makes me wonder–was Wallnau delivering a warning to any Christians, especially charismatics, who backed Trump and are now starting to regret it? It sure looks that way.

As many of you know, I am a charismatic Christian. But because I am also a loud and proud liberal, does that mean I don’t have the right filter on my brain? After all, I voted for Hillary and am a loud and proud member of the resistance to Trump because of my faith, not in spite of it. And if I recoil at having the White House occupied by someone who revels in degrading women and can’t be bothered to take the most rudimentary steps to protect his wife and underage son, I’ve got an “unreal bubble” around me? Gee, I thought it was because I actually have a sense of decency.

If you seriously think that we liberals need a filter on our brains, Lance, then I have the same message for you that I had for Pat Robertson when he claimed anyone who was against Trump was against God’s plan for America. Despite your attempts to warn us and try (and fail) to give us an explanation for why we should bow down to Trump, we will persist. We will resist. And when he does go down–either by way of losing his bid for reelection, a 25th Amendment solution, forced resignation, or impeachment and removal, we will ensure that you and your ilk go down with him.

(featured image courtesy Wallnau’s Facebook)