When you think about it, there’s a very good reason Fox News hack Sean Hannity practically worships Donald Trump: They’re both fond of lying and sharing incorrect information they know is wrong. In other words, they’re both lowlife scum who traffic in innuendo and deception.

On Wednesday, Hannity tweeted out a story from the well-known purveyor of online nonsense, the Gateway Pundit. He later deleted it, but screenshots were taken before he could manage to pretend he never sent out the lie:

Apparently Hannity hasn’t been keeping up with the real news, because we all know the Russians are on the side of illegitimate president Donald Trump, who still refuses to say a cross word about Russian president and terrorist Vladimir Putin.

Sean later apologized to Senator McCain for what he had posted, but when others began criticizing him, he had a social media meltdown and had this to say:

Yep, that’s the same kind of crap Trump is fond of doing: Lying and then trying to cover his tracks by alleging that it’s just something he heard or it was taken out of context. But a lie is a lie and always will be, especially when it comes from someone with as little credibility as either Hannity or Trump.

This latest incident with Hannity is emblematic of a larger phenomenon we’ve seen happening since Trump first declared his candidacy: Pathological liars cannot stand to be called out or proven to be lying. So they attack whoever exposes them. And they either double down on their lies or they try to shift the blame elsewhere. And, of course, they cry “fake news” when they’re actually the culprits of spreading misinformation. It’s pathetic and only destroys their already flimsy credibility.

The reason Sean Hannity and Donald Trump are so eager to accuse others of ties to Russia is obvious: They know the story is starting to leak out about Trump and how the Russians helped hand the White House to him. If they can put up a smokescreen, they believe they can forestall the inevitable. But they won’t.

Once the impeachment proceedings begin, will Sean finally pull his nose out of Trump’s sphincter? That remains to be seen.

h/t The Huffington Post

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