Chances are good that you’ve probably seen Sebastian Gorka on cable news over the past few months. His official title at the White House is Deputy Assistant to Donald Trump. Translation: One of many ass kissing weasels who have been given titles and offices in the West Wing where they can share their madness with the biggest fruitcake of them all, our so-called president.
But what you may not know about Gorka is something he’d rather now have known: The former editor is a rabid anti-Semite, according to, which reports during the five years Gorka lived in Hungary–2002-2007–Gorka was a writer and editor for a newspaper notorious for its racist and anti-Semitic content:
“Gorka’s involvement with the far right includes co-founding a political party with former prominent members of Jobbik, a political party with a well-known history of anti-Semitism; repeatedly publishing articles in a newspaper known for its anti-Semitic and racist content; and attending events with some of Hungary’s most notorious extreme-right figures.”
And Gorka also played a more hands-on role at times while he was living in Hungary:
“During large-scale anti-government demonstrations in Hungary in 2006, Gorka took on an active role, becoming closely involved with a protest group called the Hungarian National Committee (Magyar Nemzeti Bizottság). Gorka took on the roles of translator, press coordinator and adviser for the group.”
That very same group later advocated for the removal of all Jews from Hungary. Movement leader László Toroczkai wrote:
“We should get them out. In fact, we need to take back our country from them, take back our stolen fortunes. After all, these upstarts are sucking on our blood, getting rich off our blood.”
As you might expect, when confronted with these facts, Gorka initially tried to change the topic by saying:
“My parents, as children, lived through the nightmare of WWII and the horrors of (a) puppet fascist regime.”
Then he relied on this bit of theater:
“Everything I did was in the interests of a more transparent and healthy democracy in Hungary.”
What kind of democracy can you have when you are advocating for the removal of all the Jews in your country? Is that anything like the “democracy” that was so prevalent in Nazi Germany?
Oh, and Gorka also has a connection to the Nazis: He’s fond of wearing a medal of the group Vitezi Rend:
“A Hungrian group listed by the State Department as having collaborated with the Nazis during World War II.”
Sebastian Gorka is a disgusting anti-Semitic bastard who should not be allowed within a hundred miles of the White House, but there he is, working alongside another racist son of a bitch, Steve Bannon. So while Donald Trump may say he’s “the least anti-Semitic person you’ve ever seen in your entire life,” he sure does like having them hang around him and give him advice.
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