It’s somewhat disturbing when the President of the United States watches TV and then impulsively live-tweets whatever he hears.

From cable news programs to Saturday Night Live, Trump reportedly watches plenty of television. Above all, Fox News is his favorite.

Here are four times Trump basically watched Fox News and then regurgitated it on Twitter:

1. Angry Crowds & Liberal Activists


Screenshot of Fox News

Fox News aired a segment during its Special Report program in which Peter Doocy reported:

“Some of the chaos from GOP town hall meetings is very well-choreographed by the liberal activists that helped get Barack Obama elected president.”

Although not all Republicans agree with Doocy, apparently Trump does. Shortly after the segment aired, he tweeted a similar statement:

2. Chelsea Manning


Screenshot of Fox News

After Obama commuted Manning’s prison sentence, Fox News’ Abby Huntsman reported:

“Chelsea Manning sounding less than grateful to President Obama for cutting nearly twenty-five years off of her sentence for leaking unclassified [sic] information. In a new article for The Guardian, the disgraced former Army private is slamming President Obama as a weak leader with few permanent accomplishments.”

Trump tweeted his agreement less than 15 minutes later, echoing Fox News’ “ungrateful traitor” and “weak leader” wording.

Manning did not specifically call Obama a “weak leader.” She said that we need a “strong unapologetic progressive” to lead us, and said that Obama wasn’t bold enough.

3. Chicago’s “Horrible Carnage”


Screenshot of Fox News

The O’Reilly Factor aired a segment on crime in Chicago. Soon afterward, Trump took to Twitter. He quoted the numbers on the screen, the word “carnage,” and threatened to “send in the Feds” if the problem didn’t get fixed.

As a matter of fact, the numbers Fox News reported are not accurate.

4. U.C. Berkeley

Fox & Friends posted a video of Todd Starnes in which he said:

“President Trump should immediately issue an executive order blocking Berkeley students from receiving any federal funding…Free speech for all or no federal money!”

Less than an hour later Trump parroted Starnes’ statement almost exactly.

It’s doubtful that Trump’s addiction to TV and Twitter will let up anytime soon. We can all look forward to seeing more Fox News headlines appear on Trump’s Twitter feed.


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