According to former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, the GOP has every right to repeal Obamacare and not bother to replace it, because millions of us are already stealing our healthcare anyway.

Appearing Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union, the frequently hyperbolic Santorum said there was no way Republicans could “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act simultaneously. As evidence, Santorum said:

“Pre-existing conditions, though it’s very popular, what the reality is today that thousands, maybe approaching millions of Americans, are paying nine months for insurance. Why? Because you pay for your insurance for nine months, there’s a provision in Obamacare that says you can’t be thrown off your plan for three months.

“So, you stop paying in September until the end of the year. You have a right to guaranteed [coverage for] preexisting conditions. You can buy a new plan in January. So people are paying nine months for 12 months of care. And it’s happening more and more and more as people get the gig.”

As if often the case with Republicans, Santorum offered absolutely no proof of his allegations, but did declare Obamacare to be dead:

“Obamacare is a failure! But you’re going to need 60 votes to change preexisting conditions and other things to make the system work. And that’s the problem of repeal and replacing is you can’t do it because it’s a broken system.”

If it’s such a failure, here’s a couple of suggestions for Santorum and his fellow GOP brethren to consider:

  • Give the American people the same health insurance that all members of Congress have.
  • Change Obamcare to a single-payer system, i.e. Medicare for all.

Here’s the bottom line for Republicans: They don’t think everyone has a right to decent, affordable healthcare, and they don’t give a damn if millions go without it. In other words, they’re heartless bastards and want to pretend they aren’t. But actions speak a lot louder than words.

Here’s the discussion on CNN:

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