President Donald Trump has been very vocal over the years regarding former President Barack Obama. Interestingly, many of the things Trump berated Obama for have continued to occur – only now with our current president.

1. Too Much Golf

Trump tweeted numerous times admonishing Obama for playing too much golf, particularly during times of crisis.

However, Trump also plays golf and spent 3 consecutive weekends doing so at Mar-A-Lago, what he calls his “winter White House.”

2. Vacations Costing Too Much

Trump frequently complained about Obama’s vacations, when in fact, the travel expenses for Trump’s family trips cost taxpayers nearly as much in one month as Obama’s cost in an entire year.

3. No Intelligence Briefings

Trump said he doesn’t need intelligence briefings because he is “smart,” but he often complained about Obama missing intelligence briefings.

4. Sending “The Feds”

Trump didn’t agree with Obama when he wanted to send the Feds to New York City, but he’s totally cool with sending the Feds to Chicago.

5. Too Much TV

Trump didn’t approve of Obama watching ESPN in the mornings, but he reportedly watches hours of television each morning himself.

6. Short Tenures of Appointees

Trump believed Obama appointee Chuck Hagel’s short tenure was laughable. However, Trump appointee Mike Flynn set a record with only 24 days as national security adviser (the average tenure is 2.6 years).

7. Jimmy Carter’s Opinion

Trump thought former President Jimmy Carter’s low opinion of Obama in 2014 was an embarrassing “new low,” but in 2016 Carter also said Trump had a lack of “moral and ethical principles.” A new low for Trump?

8. Low Approval Ratings

Trump slammed Obama for his low approval ratings. Ironically, Trump currently holds the record for the lowest approval rating of any new president. Ever.

9. Removing Sanctions

Trump thought it was a bad business move for Obama to remove sanctions and not get anything in return, but he did the same by removing Russian sanctions with no hint of negotiating first.

10. Presidential Lies

Trump sarcastically congratulated Obama on his “great accomplishment” of earning three of the Washington Post’s “biggest Pinocchios of the years” in 2013. Trump was awarded five in 2016. Making Pinocchio Great Again! #MPGA

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