Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) proposed a resolution to allow the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to turn over President Donald Trump’s tax returns using an obscure law. Sounds like a great idea, but the House voted 229-118 to reject it.
Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said this about it in a statement:
“Tonight, House Republicans made themselves accomplices to hiding President Trump’s tax returns from the American people.”
“Our security and our democracy have been endangered by Russia’s clear influence on the Trump Administration. The American people deserve the truth about Russia’s personal, political and financial grip on President Trump. If there’s nothing there, then what are Republicans afraid of?”
“The President’s refusal to release his tax returns is yet another example of his contempt for the promises he made in his campaign. While Republicans stonewall an independent investigation, Democrats will continue to demand the truth for the American people.”
Seeing President Trump’s tax returns could clear up the controversy surrounding Russia interfering with the election. These returns could show what kind of business Trump has done with the country.
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) recently said that releasing Trump’s tax returns could shed light on his views towards Russia. Murphy said this about the explanation for Trump’s praising Russia and their President Vladimir Putin:
“And that explanation is either that the Russians have something on Trump, or that there are financial ties that are requiring Trump to behave this way or perhaps the Russians helped him in the election and this is sort of a quid pro quo.”
People have been making petitions and trying to get these tax returns released throughout the election. Congress has the power to do this. They did it in 1974 with President Richard Nixon’s taxes, so they can do it again. What are you hiding, Mr Trump?
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