These days, the way political junkies know that the weekend has officially started is when Donald Trump goes on one of his patented Saturday morning tweetstorms. However, Trump went on a Twitter rant that may be one of his most unhinged yet. He actually accused former president Obama of having Trump Tower wiretapped.

This is what the most powerful man in the world saw fit to rant about as the nation was waking up.

Oh, the horror! And yet, Trump offers no evidence for such nefarious and underhanded behavior by that radical Kenyan Mooslamb socialist. To appreciate how unhinged this is, take a look at how this rant appears with the “Make Trump Tweets Eight Again” Chrome/Firefox extension created by the folks at “The Daily Show.” It makes all tweets from Trump’s personal and official Twitter feeds look like something an eight-year-old would scribble–fitting since at bottom, Trump is a child in a 70-year-old body.

Screenshot courtesy Trump's Twitter feed, enhanced with "Make Trump Tweets Eight Again"
Screenshot courtesy Trump’s Twitter feed, enhanced with “Make Trump Tweets Eight Again”
Screenshot courtesy Trump's Twitter feed, enhanced with "Make Trump Tweets Eight Again"
Screenshot courtesy Trump’s Twitter feed, enhanced with “Make Trump Tweets Eight Again”
Screenshot courtesy Trump's Twitter feed, enhanced with "Make Trump Tweets Eight Again"
Screenshot courtesy Trump’s Twitter feed, enhanced with “Make Trump Tweets Eight Again”
Screenshot courtesy Trump's Twitter feed, enhanced with "Make Trump Tweets Eight Again"
Screenshot courtesy Trump’s Twitter feed, enhanced with “Make Trump Tweets Eight Again”

From the looks of it, Trump simply expects his followers to take his word as gospel. And apparently they have, based on the early response from Trumpland.

Well, I take that back. According to The Hill, Trump apparently based this latest rant on a report in Breitbart News–formerly run by his chief political operative and chief brownshirt, Steve Bannon–that repeated Mark Levin’s call on Thursday to investigate a “silent coup” against Trump. Among other things, Obama tried to get a FISA warrant to monitor communications involving Trump and several of his staffers. That request was turned down.

But as proof that Levin was–as usual–reaching, he also cites as evidence the “golden showers” dossier, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s lies about his contacts with the Kremlin, and current Attorney General Jeff Sessions being caught lying about his own contacts with the Kremlin. To hear Levin talk, since they were exposed by outlets that Trump has derided as fake news, they were all in on Obama’s nefarious plan to stop Trump from making America great again. Oh, the humanity!

It’s not the first time that Trump has blasted out something not long after wingnut blogs have reported on it. For instance, on Friday, Trump called for an investigation into Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer’s ties to Russia.

As it turns out, that picture was taken in 2003, and had been blasted out by Gateway Pundit, the rabidly pro-Trump fake news machine, before Trump picked it up.

In all seriousness, though, this latest rant is really nothing to laugh about. If Trump is throwing around such unfounded and paranoid claims on a regular basis, it’s time to really wonder–is it time for the 25th Amendment? Granted, we’d wind up with Mike Pence, a man who merely blinks at claims we have to crack down on immigration for the sake of the GOP, not national security. But after this latest rant, we definitely have to confront the prospect that we have a man in the White House who is not mentally well.

(featured image courtesy Gage Skidmore, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)