White House Hires RWNJ Columnist Who Accused Obama And Clinton Of ‘White Genocide’

Chances are you’ve never heard of Curtis Ellis. He’s the Executive Director of something called the American Jobs Alliance. And in his spare time, he likes to write commentary for the tinfoil hat wearing crowd who peruse right-wing website WorldNetDaily.

Back in May of 2016 Ellis wrote a piece for the extremists at WorldNetDaily with the following title: “The Radical Left’s Ethnic Cleansing Of America.”

And now Curtis Ellis is a special assistant to the Secretary of Labor in the Trump administration.

Looking at Ellis’ article which alleged Democrats were trying to eliminate white working class citizens, you can see just how unhinged this nutjob is:

“The radical left planned the liquidation of white, blue-collar working families in order to ‘fundamentally transform’ America.

“The decimation of America’s middle class and industrial strength is a case of murder, not accidental death. It was done with premeditation, malice and forethought.”

Kinda has that racist, xenophobic flavor of a posting on Breitbart.com, doesn’t it? But there’s much more:

“The far left executed its takeover through the McGovern-Fraser Commission, formally known as the Commission on Party Structure and Delegate Selection. The new rules eliminated blue-collar men and replaced them with upper-middle class activists whose agendas revolved around campus issues of abortion-on-demand feminism, environmentalism and affirmative action, rather than working people’s concerns of decent pay and decent jobs.”

And the blame, Ellis argues, can be laid at the feet of those who dared go to college and get a higher education:

“The Democratic Party’s new bosses were born of and members of the privileged professional class. They saw a future where no one toiled in factories, where the entire country would be like them – college educated ‘symbolic analysts’ who work with their heads, not their hands. This is the “post-industrial new economy” the Clintons and Obama tout as ‘inevitable,’ though it’s actually a social engineering experiment on an unprecedented scale.”

Yes, how horrible it would be if all Americans bettered themselves by becoming educated and no longer slaving away in factories. How sweet if we could all throw away our computers and labor in sweatshops for minimum wage! Workers of the world, surrender to your dismal fate!

Ellis is symbolic of a larger movement taking place thanks to Donald Trump and President Bannon: Telling working class, low-income whites that nothing is their fault and their woes can be blamed on “others,” be they blacks, Hispanics, Jews, or the college educated. It’s the same old “white pride” bullshit the KKK has been peddling for decades, and it’s a cancer on this country.

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