Flynn’s Company Had Ties To The Turkish Government
Tuesday, attorneys for Ret. Gen. Michael Flynn, former National Security Adviser to Donald Trump, filed with the Department of Justice disclosing his work as a contractor for a foreign government during the latter half of 2016.
Under the Foreign Agent Registration Act, persons representing the interests of a foreign government must disclose their activities. Indeed, a foreign corporation contracted Flynn’s company, Flynn Intel Group, Inc. This corporation is owned by a Turkish national with ties to the Turkish government, Ekim Alptekin.
Many might find the news disheartening, even before learning about Flynn’s November 8th editorial in The Hill that reads like Turkish propaganda. Conveniently, the Flynn Intel Group contract ended three days before was Flynn was named National Security Adviser by Trump.
Mike Pence Lied To The American Public
What is truly disappointing is the pervasive tendency of those in the current administration to be less than forthcoming about what they know and when they first knew it. The latest to join this club is none other than Vice President Mike Pence. In a Fox News interview with Bret Baier last week, Pence stated two times that recent reports of Flynn’s contractor work were “the first I heard of it.”
However, official Congressional documents tell another story. A November 18th letter from Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) addressed to then Vice President-Elect Mike Pence highlighted the Flynn Intel Group’s lobbying work and Flynn’s op-ed in The Hill. It also went as far as to point out that Flynn’s actions could be a violation of the Trump for America, Inc. Code of Ethical Conduct. The letter closes with a request for Pence to submit documents to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to address the issue.
It is impossible that Mike Pence didn't know about Mike Flynn.
— Maddow Blog (@MaddowBlog) March 11, 2017
We live in a world where “alternative facts” have become a thing. It should be no surprise to anyone that Pence is willing to tell blatant lies to the American public. We should have seen this coming. Indeed, we watched Mike Pence perfect his art during the 2016 vice presidential debates.