Donald Trump loves golf. He owns 17 golf courses around the world and plays golf every weekend when he travels at taxpayer expense to his Mar-a-Lago estate rather than staying in Washington and doing the job he was supposedly elected to do.

So we can only imagine just how upset the pretend president must be this morning when he hears the news that early Sunday morning environmental activists broke into the Trump National Golf Club in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, and carved this message into the grass:

“No more tigers! No more woods!”

The anonymous environmental group that carried out the act sent a message to the Washington Post which reads, in part:

“In response to the president’s recent decision to gut our existing protection policies, direct action was conceived and executed on the green of his California golf course in the form of a simple message: NO MORE TIGERS. NO MORE WOODS.’”

A spokesperson for the group also told the Post:

“Tearing up the golf course felt justified in many ways. (We) hope this sends a message to Trump and his corrupt administration that their actions will be met with action.”

Trump’s assault on the environment began with his nomination of former Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to head the EPA. Pruitt sued the EPA on numerous occasions while AG of Oklahoma. And he has also denied that human activity contributes to climate change.

Additionally, the alleged head of state also signed a sweeping executive order which rolls back decades of progress on assuring that America’s waterways are kept clean.

The Trump administration seems determined to do whatever big business wants as they go about the process of polluting and destroying every acre of the country in the name of profit. The thought of mining, refining, and processing being done without proper oversight tells us that Trump’s policy is the almighty dollar over all else. His California golf course can be repaired. If only the same were true of the damage about to be done to Mother Nature.

Here’s a video sent by the environmental group:

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