Ellen DeGeneres had a great guest on her show this week. He came in the form of a 5-year-old geography whiz and he totally burned President Donald Trump.

Nate Seltzer had drawn a picture where he could identify what types of animals and landmarks live in certain parts of the world. He had drawn a penguin for Antarctica and a tiger for Africa. He also talked about a melting iceberg for Antarctica, so he knows more about climate change than Trump does.

When Ellen pointed to the northern Asia area of the map, Nate replied that she was indicating Russia. Ellen, pointing to a small figure drawn on the map, asked who lives there and Nate, after delivering a tease-line, said it was Trump.

Here is the clip:

Ellen then asked why Trump was there, and Seltzer just said that he likes it there.

Here are some of the hilarious Twitter reactions:

Here is the entire segment:

Featured image via YouTube screenshot.