Seems like lots of Republicans not only claim to know what’s best for a woman when it comes to her body and the reproductive choices she makes, but also what God thinks on the matter.
Take Oklahoma GOP State Representative George Faught, who has authored a bill which would make it illegal for anyone to have an abortion if a genetic abnormality is detected.
Democrat Cory Williams asked Faught if he believed rape was “the will of God.” To that, the massively ignorant Faught replied:
“Well, you know, if you read the Bible, there’s actually a couple circumstances where that happened. The Lord uses all circumstances. I mean, you can go down that path, but it’s a reality unfortunately.”
Williams then inquired of Faught if incest is also “the will of God.” And once again Faught pretended to know the mind of God, responding:
“Same answer. Doesn’t deal with this bill.”
Representative Williams pressed again, asking:
“This body wants to know — and myself personally — whether you believe rape and incest are actually the will of God.”
“It’s a great question to ask. And, obviously if it happens in someone’s life, it may not be the best thing that ever happened, but — so you’re saying that God is not sovereign with every activity that happens in someone’s life and can’t use anything and everything in someone’s life and I disagree with that.”
What amazes me about men like George Faught is that they think they have a divine right to legislate for women even though he cannot himself conceive or give birth to a child. This sanctimonious piece of excrement thinks he’s qualified to determine what a woman does with her body, and then he dares to use the name of God as cover for his draconian legislation.
Someone needs to remind Faught we don’t make laws based on the Bible, we make them based on a constitution. If he wants to live in a theocracy, there are planes leaving every hour that will take him to a country where he can live under religious law. Otherwise, he needs to shut the hell up.
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