It’s just plain shocking to realize that the President of the United States of America is a petty, small minded jerk.

We’ve all known people like him. He’s the neighbor lets you borrow his lawnmower, then charges you for the gas and oil. The guy who comes to the dinner party with a bottle of excellent bourbon, but doesn’t share.

Trump’s Palm Beach neighbors could tell you all about his taste for petty squabbles.

The egotistical President has filed a law suit against Palm Beach County, because he claims that flights from its international airport are going over his ludicrously named “Mar-a-Lago” resort.

The suit alleges that in previous years, the airport used to fan out its flights in various directions. It claims that in recent years the flight pattern has changed so that it no longer fans out the flights. Instead, according to the whining world leader, all the planes now fly directly over his swanky digs.

He is outraged.

Trump admits that the flight pattern was changed so to decrease the impact of noise over the community. But he doesn’t care about the peasants who aren’t staying at his resort. He just doesn’t want the roaring jet engines over his place.

To make things even more ridiculous, Trump claims that the flights are going over his resort because the Palm Beach County airport director, Bruce Pelly, is being a big old meanie. Trump says that Pelly is sending the flights over his place just to get back at him.

To get back at him for what, you ask?

Why, to get back at him because Trump sued Pelly personally, and Palm Beach County generally, back in 1995. To try to stop them from flying planes over Mar-a-Lago. He also fought against a planned expansion of the airport, an effort in which he prevailed.

In fact, this is at least the third lawsuit filed by Trump against Palm Beach County for the very same reason. To protect the air space above Mar-a-Lago.

Donald Trump bought the estate in 1985 and had it fully restored. He opened the resort in 1995, which was the year he sued Bruce Pelly personally.

Trump’s lawyers claim, with straight faces, that the 90 year old mansion is “probably the top landmark in Florida” and one of the top landmarks in the United States. Uh-huh.

They claim that all those airplanes are just wrecking the place.

So the President of the United States is suing the county, yet again, for $100 million, tying up the courts, and interfering with the airport.

It’s worth noting that every time President Trump jets down to Mar-a-lago to play golf, he effectively shuts down another local airport, Lantana.  It’s also run by Bruce Pelly and Palm Beach County.


Maybe we finally know why he goes down there so much. He’s just trying to piss off one of his many adversaries.

What a putz.

You can see and hear the Donald from 6 long years ago. He hasn’t changed a bit.

Featured image via YouTube Screengrab.