Even though he’s only been in office a little more than two months, plenty of voters who cast their ballots for him are already spectacularly unimpressed with what they’ve seen so far.

CNN convened a focus group in Pennsylvania recently, and several people said they were especially tired of Trump’s endless tweeting.

Ray Starner commented:

“Donald Trump’s story is that he’s reacting immediately. It’s a knee-jerk reaction. Forget about Snoop Dogg, forget about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s departure from ‘The Apprentice.'”

And Scott McCommons  also had a very strong and unambiguous message for the so-called head of state:

“If you want to be ‘The Apprentice,’ step down and let someone else run the country. He needs to be presidential. Plain and simple.”

Another member of the focus group panel, Mark Hanna, told CNN:

“I did see it on a major news channel and I remember the first thing I said to my significant other was ‘I don’t believe he just tweeted that.'”

McCommons says the thing that angers him most is Trump’s recent assertion that President Obama wiretapped him at Trump Tower. No one wiretapped Trump, McCommons said “and he knows it.”

Interesting to see that even those who voted for this charlatan are already sick of his act. They thought he might actually go to Washington and get something done, but with each new day and every ridiculous tweet the alleged president sends out, his approval rating drops further and he loses more supporters.

Add in the controversy swirling around the White House and its connection to Russia, and you have a perfect storm of extremely damaging charges and actions which are making it appear that a cover up is underway by the administration. Only the most hardcore acolytes are still in Trump’s corner, and even they have to secretly be wondering if they helped elected a traitorous madman.

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