Just a few days after Chinese President Xi Jinping left his meeting with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago, the state-run media back in China has weighed in on Trump’s launching of 59 cruise missiles at a Syrian airfield earlier this week, and what they had to say is guaranteed to piss of the thin-skinned Trump if and when he reads it.
“Xinhua, the state news agency, on Saturday called the strike the act of a weakened politician who needed to flex his muscles. In an analysis, Xinhua also said Mr. Trump had ordered the strike to distance himself from Syria’s backers in Moscow, to overcome accusations that he was ‘pro-Russia.'”
Clearly, even the Chinese know that Trump is trying to bomb his way out of a deep hole when it comes to his approval ratings, which have sunk as low as 34 percent in the days preceding the attack on Syria.
Additionally, Trump desperately needed to change the subject from the two Congressional investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election, which some evidence seems to suggest members of the Trump team may have helped coordinate.
China has been a frequent whipping boy for Trump, especially on the issue of trade. But after meeting with Xi in Florida, Trump said the two leaders had made progress, and he added:
“I just want to say that President Xi and all of his representatives have been really interesting to be with. I believe lots of very potentially bad problems will be going away.”
The problems Trump faces in the days and weeks ahead dwarf those he may encounter in his dealings with China or Syria, and the issue of the Trump-Russia connection could end his presidency.
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